The science of remembering
The science of remembering
Now you would never forget your prepared speech.
So much for the First Law and Second Law of remembering. The third one; Association. This is coming last but vital important you note that, it is the indispensable element in recalling. In fact, it is the explanation of memory itself.
The only way anything can possibly be remembered at all is by associating it with some other facts. Learning always progresses from the known to the unknown. Like Professor James illustrated; "whatever appears in the mind, must be introduced, it is an associate of something already there..."
The one who thinks over his experiences most, and weaves them into a systematic relation with the other, will be the one with the best memory.
When you wish to associate one fact with others already in the mind, think over the new fact from all angles. Ask about it such questions as these: "Why is this so? How is it so? Where is it so? Who said it so?
To remember a stranger's name, ask questions about it- how it is spelled, and so on? Observe his looks sharply, Try to connect the name with the face. Find out his business and try to invent some random phase that will connect his name with his business. For example if you meet Mr. Frank Gold in Lumber business, you can make a sentence within yourself such as "There is Gold in the Lumber business" that way you associate the name and it would be difficult to forget.
Similarly to remember dates, associate them with prominent dates already in the mind. For example, the three hundredth anniversary of Shakespeare's birth occurred during the American civil war.
To remember points of your address, arrange them in such logical order that one leads naturally to the next. In addition, one can make a nonsense sentence out of the main point for example: if the subjects you are to discuss about are: Cow, Cigar, Hook, Napoleon, House, Burn, Religion. As random as this sentences could be, you can invent a sentence like: "The cow smoked a cigar and hooked Napoleon, and the house burned down with religion."
Friends lastly there is a lifeline here, if, in spite of all precautions, you suddenly forget what you intended to say, you may be able to save yourself from complete defeat by using the last words of your last statement as the first words in a new one, let's site an instance, Let's imagine a speaker talking on business success, finds himself blank after having said: "Tge average employee does not get ahead because he takes so little interest in his work, displays so little initiative." At this point he can then buy time by starting a sentence with "initiative". So he continues on this manner "Initiative means originality, doing a thing on your own, without eternally waiting to be told". This can be committed until you are able to think of your next point.
Folks we are getting better every time we practice. Keep practicing, see you at the top
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